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FCEH provides training, resources, support, and advocacy, to assist members in their efforts to help the homelessness in their local communities. Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds, but all share a passion for helping others.
Do any of the following situations sound familiar? These are just a few of the many challenges facing those who serve the homeless every day.
- Shelter providers: You have people living in cars or on the street who need emergency shelter but your current clients aren’t leaving; they need supportive housing, employment, or affordable rental housing.
- Community agencies, For-Profit Corporations, and Local Gov’t: Your organization, county or city commission, meal ministry, outreach teams, jail, sheriff’s department, or hospital emergency room sees the same homeless people every week; you don’t know where to send them for the help they need to become self-sufficient and stably housed, or how to make a difference to improve the situation.
- Substance abuse and mental health services providers: Your client is ready to be discharged into the community but has no housing. Where will he/she live?
- Bridge housing agencies: After two months in housing, your client and her children are ready to return to the community. However, they need three more months to save up the money for first and last month’s rent and the securities and utilities deposits – and you have clients on a waiting list!
- Individuals and Students: You are aware of the issue of homelessness in your community, and want to help alleviate the suffering of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.