Legislative Advocacy
The Florida Coalition to End Homelessness (FCEH) members stand as one voice to improve policy and increase funding to prevent and end homelessness in the State of Florida.
This is a summary of the advocacy work completed for FCEH and its members since 2013.
Yearly Appropriation Advocacy Success – Homeless Funding |
Year | Recurring Staffing Grant | Non-Recurring Staffing Grant | Recurring Challenge Grant | Non-Recurring Challenge Grant | Total Staffing / Challenge Grant Funding |
2024 | $5,205,206 | $0 | $20,016,822 | $10,000,000 | $35,222,028 |
2023 | $5,205,206 | $0 | $20,016,822 | $0 | $ 25,222,028 |
2022 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $3,181,500 | $0 | $6,181,500 |
2021 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $3,181,500 | $0 | $6,181,500 |
2020 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $3,181,500 | $0 | $6,181,500 |
2019 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $3,181,500 | $0 | $6,181,500 |
2018 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $0 | $3,181,500 | $6,181,500 |
2017 | $3,000,000 | $0 | $5,000,000 | $0 | $8,000,000 |
2016 | $2,700,000 | $300,000 | $5,000,000 | $0 | $8,000,000 |
2015 | $2,000,000 | $50,000 | $3,800,000 | $0 | $5,850,000 |
2014 | $2,000,000 | $1,000,000 | $0 | $3,800,000 | $6,800,000 |
2013 | $2,000,000 | $1,000,000 | $0 | $0 | $3,000,000 |
Legislation | ||
Year | Legislation | Importance To FCEH |
2024 | HB 975 – Background Screenings | Defines “person with lived experience”; provides qualifications for person seeking certification as person with lived experience; requires continuum of care lead agencies to submit certain information to DCF for purposes of background screening; prescribing screening requirements; specifies disqualifying offenses for person applying for certification; authorizes person who does not meet background screening requirements to request from department exemption from disqualification. |
2020 | HB 163 / SB 68 – Homeless Statute rewrite | Homeless statute rewrite. SB 68 by Senator Book and HB 163 by Representative Altman updates Florida’s current statutes governing Homelessness Programs administered by the State Office on Homelessness to more effectively and efficiently prevent and end homelessness in our State. This was signed into law on 6/18/20 and became effective 07/01/2020 |
2019 | HB 1353 / SB 1218 – Homeless Statute rewrite | Homeless statute rewrite. SB 1218 by Senator Book and HB 1353 by Representative Altman updates Florida’s current statutes governing Homelessness Programs administered by the State Office on Homelessness to more effectively and efficiently prevent and end homelessness in our State. HB 1353 passed the Full House, however; SB 1218 was one of the many bills stuck in Senate Appropriations due to budget posturing between the two Chambers. Both members have already agreed to re-file the bills for the upcoming 2020 legislative session. |
2017 | HB 1013 / SB 854 – Affordable Housing Task Force | Affordable Housing Task Force – FCEH advocated for and was successful in securing, an amendment to include ‘a homeless advocate’ as a task force member. |
2016 | HB 1235/SB 1534 – Housing Assistance | The original bill text attempted changes to current law that were adverse to FCEH’s efforts. FCEH successfully advocated for a number of amendments to the bill in FCEH’s favor. |
2015 | HB 1291/SB 586 – Amendment 1 Implementation | The bill amended the underlying doc stamp distribution statute to implement Amendment 1. FCEH advocated protecting the provisions within the bill to preserve the existing distributions to the Housing Trust Funds. Because of FCEH’s legislative advocacy, the doc stamp distribution to the housing trust funds were held harmless preserving critical funds for ending homelessness in the State of Florida. |
2014 | HB 203/SB 260 – Unaccompanied Homeless Youths | Establishes the legal authority for unaccompanied homeless youth to consent to certain medical procedures and care or consent to a forensic medical examination without a parent’s permission. |
2014 | HB 979/SB1500 – Homelessness | The bill modified the training and technical assistance program under the Affordable Housing Planning and Community Assistance Act (Act), to provide that an acceptable use of the Act is to meet the needs of the homeless. Further, the bill also modifies qualifications and eligible activities for “Challenge Grants” administered by the Office of Homelessness within the Department of Children and Families. FCEH successfully advocated for a number of amendments to the bill in FCEH’s favor. |
2013 | HB 93/SB 402 – Homeless | The bill allows voluntary contributions of $1 per applicant for motor vehicle registration, renewal of registration, license application, renewal issuance or renewal extension, to aid the homeless. As of May 31, 2016, $178,566.88 has been collected. |